Treatment Without Invasive Surgery
We offer non-surgical and gentle methods for the treatment of fatty tissue that can be performed on an outpatient basis.
We will be happy to explain to you in an initial consultation which treatment methods are suitable for you.
Bodyforming with cold instead of knife.
Developed by scientists from Harvard Medical School (USA), Cryolipolysis is based on the scientific knowledge that fat cells are more sensitive to cold than other cell types. This effect is used specifically and therefore enables to dissolve the fat cell without surgery.
By using a cold vacuum applicator, the desired body area is cooled down to a temperature around freezing in a controlled manner for approx. 30-70 minutes without injuring the skin or surrounding tissue.
Since cryolipolysis works only from the outside, no anesthesia is necessary and you do not have to expect any downtime. So even sports immediately after the treatment is not a problem!
For whom is Cryolipolysis suitable?
Especially with normal weight or mild overweight, the treatment leads to high satisfaction among patients.
Before applying the applicator, a special cold protection cloth is placed on the designate area to protect the skin.
After that, the desired part of the body is “sucked” into a specially shaped treatment head by means of vacuum and cooled in a controlled manner for about an hour.
An exception is the treatment of body zones with firmer connective tissue, such as the outer thighs or the jodhpurs. Patented plate applicator is used here, which treats the corresponding area over a large area without vacuum.
During the treatment, you can lay back and read, work, listen to music or just relax.
After the treatment, the treated body area is loosened up with a massage.
Naturally, the individual lifestyle also plays a role: Nicotine and Alcohol narrow the blood vessels and thus hinder lymph flow. In addition, obesity promotes cellulite and orange peel can also occur in very thin women.
Is it possible to permanently reduce Cellulite?
The non-invasive DIAMOND treatment offers a combination of several technologies that act synergistically on the reduction of Cellulite, improvement of the skin appearance and simultaneous skin tightening. With DIAMOND treatment, the stability of connective tissue is stimulated by the formation of new collagen, the so-called Neocollagenase. In addition, the fibroblasts are stimulated and the septa are relieved.
The combination of Neocollagenase and tissue relief leads to smoothing of the deeper tissue layers and thus also to a clearly visible smoothing of the skin. The newly formed collagen ensures a long-term effect and makes the treatment sustainable.
Advantages of the DIAMOND treatment
- Reduction of Cellulite
- Skin tightening and improvement of the skin appearance
- Non-invasive treatment
- Effective and safe
Dr. med. univ. Thomas Bode